Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Treatment Plant

Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Treatment Plant – a 100% natural system that draws on the remarkable filtration properties of peat and uses no chemical additives in achieving exceptional results.


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Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Sewage Treatment Plant help reduce environmental pollution.

Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Treatment modules when used in conjunction with Tricel Vento septic tanks or Novo Treatment plants  can achieve exceptional cleaning results and reduce environmental pollution. The system uses a peat fibre biofilter system making it one of the most sustainable wastewater treatment systems on the market.

Call us for more information and Prices 01236 796437

Tertiary Sewage Treatment

Tertiary Sewage Treatment applications are required for environmentally sensitive sites, sites in watershed protection areas, sites with poor percolation and where enhanced treatment is required to achieve low final effluent levels.

This  can be achieved by combining a Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Sewage Treatment plant, with a secondary treatment system, typically an aerobic treatment plant e.g Tricel Novo

The Tricel Puraflo modules connects directly to the outlet side to your existing septic/treatment plant in most cases via a pump chamber to ensure regular flow .The secondary treated effluent is dosed to Puraflo polishing filter modules and undergoes a third stage or tertiary treatment.

This  combination will provide very high level pathogen and nutrient reduction

How a Tertiary Treatment Plant Works 

Stage 1: Collection 

Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Treatment system is a highly efficient sewage treatment system which uses little to no energy. Here is a detailed guide on how the Puraflo works. Wastewater flows from the home into a  septic tank. The solids settle and the liquid effluent flows by gravity through an effluent filter to a pump/sump chamber.

Stage 2. Treatment

The liquid effluent is pumped intermittently to the Puraflo modules where it is distributed evenly onto the bio-fibrous peat filter.

A combination of biological, chemical, and physical processes treat the effluent as it filters through the peat fibre media.

Stage 3. Dispersal or water reuse

The treated effluent emerges from the Puraflo modules and disperses into the ground through a percolation area or is collected for disposal by other methods.

The high treatment levels achieved in the Puraflo system reduce the risk of pollution whilst providing protection for homes, the environment and public health.

It is the same process when used with a sewage treatment plant

How It Works

Features & Benefits of Tertiary Treatment 

The Tricel Puraflo Tertiary Treatment Plant is a 100% natural system that draws on the remarkable filtration properties of peat and uses no chemical additives in achieving exceptional results.

Puraflo’s unique bio-fibrous peat filter provides unsurpassed treatment of domestic water, reducing the risk of pollution whilst providing protection for homes, the environment and public health.


Low carbon footprint. 99.9% reduction in total coliforms. Elimination of pathogenic bacteria. Micro-biological treatment of wastewater. Phosphorous reduction <2mg/litre*.

Existing septic tank system can be easily upgraded to a high performance treatment plant by adding Puraflo modules.

The media covering the effluent distribution grid in the Puraflo module has odour absorption properties therefore suppressing sewage odours.


  • The Tricel Puraflo has minimal power requirements, costs typically averaging approximately £10 per annum.
  • The modular design of Puraflo can be installed above or at ground level. Puraflo units do not require concrete backfill and can utilise the existing excavated material as backfill.
  • The Puraflo bio-filters require no de-sludging or backwashing. Provided the septic tank and sump receive regular de-sludging, the system will continue to operate efficiently.
  • Intermittent or seasonal flows have no detrimental effect on treatment levels, making Puraflo ideally suited where fluctuating loads are expected.
  • The use of a septic tank means fewer de-sludging operations and reduced operational costs. The only mechanical device in the system is the pump, which works on an intermittent basis, minimising the possibility of mechanical problems.
  • To further enhance the treated effluent quality with a tertiary treatment option the treated effluent can be passed through an additional Puraflo module capable of achieving a 5:5mg/l BOD: SS standard.

Simple installation, Minimum maintenance

Installation of The Tricel Puraflo sewage treatment system is made up of a number of separate components and although fairly straightforward, we recommend installation by a reputable, trained installer.

Regular maintenance is also recommended to ensure the system works at optimal performance at all time.

Installation, service & maintenance can be provided by Xoli. Call us for pricing and details 01236 796437

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